Dance The Night Away    (SP1135)  Kevin Lovell 

  OPENER    Sides Face Grand Square
Here comes my happiness again
Right back to where it should have been
Allemande Left and Weave the ring

'Cause now she's gone and I am free
Swing and Promenade

And she can't do a thing to me


  FIGURE 1/3    Heads Square Thru

Just wanna dance the night away
Star Thru and Pass Thru 

You Wheel Around and Flutter Wheel today

Reverse The Flutter Wheel across and go
Keep this girl and Promenade

With senoritas who can sway

  FIGURE 2/4
Heads Pass Thru,  Sep-arate you go
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl

Sides Square Thru 3 hands round and then
Dive ThruSquare Thru 3

Slide Thru and Square Thru 3 once.more
Swing this girl and Promenade

Just like the sunny mornin' light

  MIDDLE BREAK    Sides Face Grand Square
And if you   should see her
Please  let her know that I am well
As you can tell 

Allemande Left & Weave the ring

Swing, Promenade

  CLOSER    Sides Face Grand Square
((Guitar instrumental))

Allemande Left and Weave the ring 

Just wanna dance the night away
Swing and Promenade

With senoritas who can sway
  TAG  (((no tag)))

(((Short trumpet finish)))