Welcome Home  SP 1153  Kevin Lovell

OPENER    Sides Face Grand Square
I'm so alone, my love
Without you
You're part of everything I do
Allemande Left & Weave the ring
When you come back and
You're beside me
Swing and Promenade
These are the words
I'd say to you

Heads (Sides) Square Thru  4
4 hands around now, and Dosado

Shake her hand with a Right & Left Thru and then
Veer Left and Ladies Chain Down The Line
Turn that girl and Slide Thru
Swing and Promenade

*These are the words
*I'd say to you

Heads (Sides) Square Thru  4
4 hands around now, and Dosado

Veer to the Left, Ladies Chain Down That Line
Flutterwheel across, Sweep A Quarter
Swing and Promenade

*These are the words
*I'd say to you


MIDDLE BREAK / CLOSER  Sides Face Grand Square
Welcome home
C'mon in, and close the door
Allemande Left & Weave
You've been gone
Too long
 Swing and Promenade
You're home once more


No TAG  


Alternative Lyrics

*With all my heart
*You'd hear me say