Kiss Goodbye All Night   (SP 1158)    Kevin Lovell


OPENER    Circle Left
Let's kiss goodbye all night
And kiss a little more in the morning
Allemande Left your corner and you Box The Gnat
Ladies Star Left go one time around now
Find your man, Pull-By, Allemande Left the corner
Swing and Promenade
Baby, let's just kiss goodbye all night

FIGURE 1 & 3
Heads (Sides) Square Thru  4 hands around
With the corner Dosado one time
Right & Left Thru  turn that girl and then
Veer Left and Wheel & Deal on round
You Pass Thru, Allemande Left the next
Swing the corner, Promenade her home
If I'm still here when the sun comes round
It'd be more than fine by me

FIGURE 2 & 4
Heads (Sides) Square Thru  4 hands around
With the corner Dosado one time
Right & Left Thru  turn that girl and then
Veer Left and Wheel & Deal on round
Sweep A Quarter, Reverse Flutter Wheel
Pick up that girl and Promenade her home
If I'm still here when the sun comes round
It'd be more than fine by me

MIDDLE BREAK & CLOSER    Sides Face   Grand Square
Let's kiss goodbye all night
And kiss a little more in the mornin'
Lean in and close your eyes
Don't let our red hot hearts Allemande Left and Weave
Just give me one more like the one before it
Don't wanna call it (quits)
 Swing and Promenade
Baby, let's (just) kiss goodbye all night